9 must-see cities in Japan

I always thought that making a list of the beauties of Japan was a bold venture. In fact, we are talking about a truly marvelous country, where every corner has a reason for being beautiful and every city has its importance.

photo credits: gaijinpot.com 

Despite this, however, many travelers ask us for advice on what to see, what not to miss, and we don’t want to disappoint them! We will try to list 9 must-see cities, 9 essential stages to get back home with unforgettable memories.


photo credits: liberamenteviaggi.info 

Chaotic, elegant, electrifying, ancient, vital, to be discovered over and over again, Tokyo is a metropolis in constant evolution, the world capital of technological development. Its neighborhoods are essential destinations for those facing a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun for the first time. Here we find Shibuya with the most transited crossing in the world and the square dedicated to the famous Hachiko dog.

We cannot forget the cosmopolitan Shinjuku and Ginza, realms of shopping and luxury. We then continue on the artificial island of Odaiba with the extraordinary European reconstructions. We then move on to Asakusa which seems to turn back to the past and to tradition. Akihabara the undisputed realm of modernity and technology, Roppongi realm of entertainment. The famous Bunkyo district where the Tokyo dome is located and an area of ​​prestigious universities. To finish with Shinagawa, Tokyo’s business center and the curious and extravagant Harajuku. Present and past, excesses and traditions mix in a huge city that you will want to visit all the time!



photo credits: conventionsapporo.jp 

A pioneering city, Sapporo was built on the basis of a rectangular North American style street system with linearly named and numbered streets. Capital of Hokkaido and Japan’s fifth-largest city, Sapporo offers numerous parks whose visit is really recommended! Also, this beautiful city is famous for its ramen, beer and the annual snow festival held in February.



photo credits: ilviziodellesistenza.it 

As the ancient capital of Japan, Kyoto has an unparalleled charm thanks to its many Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. Not to mention gardens, imperial palaces, traditional houses built entirely of wood and the Geisha district in Gion. Rich in traditions, visiting Kyoto is essential for a dip in ancient Japan capable of conquering anyone who sets foot in it!


photo credits: bbc.com 

2000 years of history for this city that rises to the north of the Kyushu coast. A dynamic and ever-expanding metropolis, Fukuoka was born from the union of two cities: the homonymous and Hakata. Today it is still possible to hear about Hakata referring to Fukuoka! The ancient temples, the marvelous beaches and the numerous shopping centers make Fukuoka an essential destination for travelers. This place is also perfect for fans of traditional yatai (outdoor food stalls) that are found every night in Nakasu and Tenjin and whose typical dish is Hakata Ramen: superlative!



photo credits: travelanddestinations.com 

Capital of good food, Osaka was the commercial center of Japan, preserving today its important role as a major industrial and port district. Not only that, Osaka is loved by visitors thanks to the rich nightlife it offers. Furthermore, we cannot forget the variety of street foods one can come across when strolling through the lively Doutonbori district. Moreover, it is possible to enjoy its architecture and the 16th century Osaka Castle, its symbol par excellence.



photo credits: asiancrush.com 

Here we come to the town with the greatest number of treasures dating back to the 8th century. Famous for the deer living free in the park, Nara is the cradle of Japanese art, literature and culture. Among all the wonderful temples, that of Todaiji is the most loved by visitors because it is the one that contains the Daibutsu-den the largest wooden building in the world containing the bronze statue of the Great Buddha, 15m high.


photo credits: at-nagasaki.jp 

We talked about Nagasaki for a long time in our blog and it is absolutely among the 9 cities to visit not only for the sad memory tied to the past but for all its wonders. There is a particular event that deserves our attention: the celebrations of the ancient lunar new year, now commonly called “Lantern Festival”. Every year over 15,000 lanterns are lit and placed in various parts of the city, dances, exhibitions and shows of various kinds fill the heart and eyes leaving that wonderful sensation of satiety.


photo credits: weblogtheworld.com 

The capital of Okinawa, Naha has an unusual Japan. Much more similar to tropical atmospheres, here the rhythms are relaxed and the traditions stand alone. Along the Kokusai Dori you will come across shops, restaurants, souvenir shops, cafes, lively hotels and you can also reach the Makishi market where the particular Okinawan cuisine finds its full identity.


photo credits: matcha-jp.com 

The birthplace of Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Nagoya embodies the economic dynamism of the Rising Sun. This city is rich in industrial museums, shopping centers and the Mei-eki, the immense railway station. The Castle, the television tower, the Atsuta Horaiken Honten and, for car enthusiasts, the Toyota Automobile Museum are just some of the tips we give you not to lose at any cost!

We stopped at 9 cities, but in reality, we could have listed 15, 20, even 25! There are so many in my heart, but to discover them you just need to follow us on this long journey. Little by little, we will really take you everywhere so get ready and run to the next stop!