Japan Meets Italy: Networking aperitivo – 1st edition

Here we are with a new event organized by Japan Italy Bridge, we are talking about “Japan Meets Italy: networking aperitivo”.

As you well know by now, the purpose of Japan Italy Bridge is to bring together and promote Japanese companies in Italy and vice versa. Through digital marketing, the creation of websites and the management of events, we aim to help Japanese companies to promote themselves on the Italian and European territory and vice versa.

After talking to various realities in the area, we noticed a lack of chances to create new connections between the various companies. For this reason, we decided to create “Japan Meets Italy: networking aperitivo”, a recurring appointment to give the Japanese companies in the area the opportunity to make themselves known, create new connections and spend pleasant time together.

On January 30, 2020, we invited 30 companies on the Italian territory to join us for an evening of sharing. The first meeting held in TENOHA Milano found great success among the participants. A moment not only of joy and light-heartedness but also a beautiful occasion where the participating companies were able to create new connections. A networking evening where Japan met Italy to strengthen this friendship that has lasted for more than 150 years and to create even stronger partnerships between the companies of the two countries.

Some of the participating companies shared updates and presentations of ongoing projects in order to generate a connection between the realities of the territory.

We want to thank all the companies and all the people that have joined us to celebrate this evening. Japan Meets Italy will return in the spring with a brand new edition and many other opportunities to meet and connect with each other.

For more information and to participate in the next edition: angela@japanitalybridge.com
Photographer: Alberto Moro