I 7 giardini giapponesi più belli di Tokyo

Oasis of peace

Normally when we think of the word “city” images of streets, houses, buildings, skyscrapers, chaos, traffic come to mind and we hardly imagine large green parks. Sometimes this is a big mistake because many cities instead hide oases of tranquility right in the heart of their liveliness. Tokyo is an example of this: numerous nihon teien (Japanese gardens) make the metropolis a small paradise of serenity!

Garden design is an important Japanese art form that has part of its roots in Zen Buddhism: the spirituality of natural elements such as ponds and stones blends with the hospitality of the scenic component thanks to the water bowls and tea houses.

Each garden has a different purpose, but the underlying concept is always one: finding solitude as an essential element of inner peace and admiring the succession of the four seasons. Let’s now try to visit 7 of them, the most beautiful to immerse ourselves in a harmony of colors that only nature can give us.

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1- Koishikawa Korakuen

Located near Iidabashi Station, this garden is a living work of art: designed according to the principle of “miniaturization” that seeks to recreate landscapes on a smaller scale, this extraordinary space includes hills, valleys, ponds and streams. “Daisensui”, the central lake, reflects the sky and the surrounding cherry trees; the red “Engetsukyo”, the “full moon bridge”, offers a breathtaking view of the entire garden

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2- Rikugien

Located in the Bunkyo neighborhood, it is one of the few remaining gardens from the Edo era. The name “Rikugien” means “garden of the six principles,” referring to the six schools of Japanese poetry that inspire its design. During spring, the cherry blossoms create a breathtaking sight, while in autumn the leaves change color, transforming the garden into a palette of red, yellow and orange hues.

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3- Hamarikyu Gardens

Located near Tokyo Bay. the garden is designed in the “kaiyu-shiki teien” style, a type of Japanese garden that includes a circular path around a central pond “Shioiri”, which is connected to Tokyo Bay and is subject to the tides and the small tea pavilion Nakajima-no-Ochaya, located on an island in the pond. On the wooden bridge you can enjoy a spectacular view of the garden and modern urban architecture.

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4- Shinjuku Gyoen

This garden is an oasis of tranquility in the busy Shinjuku district. It offers a wide range of landscapes, including traditional Japanese gardens, Western (English and French) landscape gardens and large expanses of lawns.

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5- Gardens of the Imperial Palace

Also known as East Gardens, the gardens surrounding the Imperial Palace are open to the public year-round and offer a vision of well-tended nature in the heart of Tokyo

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6- Kiyosumi Teien

Located in the Kiyosumi neighborhood, this garden is known for its serene beauty and unique features, including an artificial waterfall and a koi pond surrounded by stones collected throughout Japan by the founder of Mitsubishi Iwasaki Yataro. Several “isowatari”, large stepping stones, are positioned in the shallower parts of the pond where it is possible to admire the reflections of the trees on the water.

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7- Nezu Museum Garden

The garden was created together with the museum in 1940 by art collector Nezu Kaichirō, Jr. as one of Tokyo’s major cultural institutions. the Nezu Museum and its garden offer a reflection of Japanese history and culture.

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Exploring these gardens is a wonderful way to discover the beauty and tranquility that are hidden among the skyscrapers and crowded streets of Tokyo: we always suggest you look around because hidden pearls often require attention to be discovered, but you won’t you will certainly regret it! Enjoy a peaceful and refreshing escape from the chaos of urban life.