Things to do in Quarantine: the best podcasts about Japan

The best Podcast about Japan

written by: Erika | source: TimeOut Tokyo

Let’s continue our feature on things to do in quarantine and today we talk to you about some podcasts dedicated to Japan.


The COVID-19 emergency has practically made it impossible to plan trips for at least another year. However, for all fans of Japanese culture, today we share with you an easy and fun way to learn more about this topic. In fact, there are several podcasts that can fill this void by helping you discover Japan’s many facets. In fact, through these audios, it will be possible to discover the many hidden aspects and facets of the Rising Sun without having to face crowded flights and trains.

For example, are you aware of why spider lily flowers are located near Japanese cemeteries and rice fields? Do you know who the pioneering women of the Rising Sun were? These podcasts will not only delve into the food, history, and legends of this country but will also answer questions you didn’t even know you had. So, in this moment where we cannot go out and travel, let these podcasts take you on a few minutes journey through Japan.

Japan Eats – Learn about Japanese cuisine

Podcast giappone

Japan Eats is a podcast of a historic Brooklyn-based radio focused on food. Presented by Akiko Katayama, Japanese cuisine journalist and director of the New York Japanese Culinary Academy. Here we talk about everything from the various trends of Japanese cuisine, to drinks and much more. In one of the recent episodes, Akiko focused even on how to live a vegetarian life in Japan, the art of the Yakitori and more. The podcast already has more than 180 episodes with a new one every week.

Uncanny Japan – All Japanese legends in one podcast

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Theresa Matsuura, an American author who has lived half her life in a fishing village in Japan, presents Uncanny Japan. In this podcast, Matsuura talks about those parts of Japanese culture that are often invisible or inaccessible to anyone who does not speak the language. At the same time, it offers an insight into local customs, legends, folklore and superstitions of the rising sun. Ready to immerse yourself in the imaginative and sometimes even spooky Japanese fairy tales?

History of Japan – Learn Japanese history


Isaac Meyer, a teacher with a PhD specializing in modern Japan, leaves nothing hidden in this historical podcast. From ancient to modern Japan, passing through poets, political scandals, economic booms, samurai, geishas and much more. Indeed, this podcast is an in-depth look through the history of the rising sun in each episode. Informative but also fascinating to hear, History of Japan has more than 300 episodes that can keep you company in this lockdown period.

Voices in Japan – Life in Japan


Ben and Burke, expats in Japan who live in Hokkaido, share their life experience in the land of the Rising Sun. The podcast Voices in Japan talks about their life from work to studying the Japanese language, and also learning the customs of the nation and much more. The weekly episodes include general topics related to living in Japan such as a look at the Japanese health system. In addition, the talk also revolves around the love of technology, Sumo and the potential benefits of the Japanese diet. Whether you live in Japan or just want to hear more about life experiences, this podcast is ready for you.

Sake on Air – All about the world of Sake

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For all fans of Sake and shochu, Sake on Air is the podcast made for you. The experts of this famous Japanese drink share their knowledge in each episode, inviting us to this virtual dinner. In fact, in each episode, we find a different topic such as new trends in manufacturing, stories from producers but not just this. We can also learn about the various flavors, the difference between the rice used and how to combine the various flavors of Sake with food. So, if you are also curious, arm yourself with a glass of wine or your favorite sake and listen to this podcast!